Basic concepts of contamination; Why contamination is important; The concept of dirt and cleanliness; What does it mean to test for contamination: methods and expression of results; The meaning of the CCC code; The main factors influencing product contamination.
Duration: 4 hours
General aspects of industrial contamination (dirt concept); Contamination in liquids and components; Methods for measuring contamination; Analysis tools and software ; Interpretation of CCC code; Reference standards and company specifications; Introduction to ISO16232:2018 and VDA 19. Visit to the laboratory.
Duration: 8 hours
Detailed aspects of industrial contamination; general principles concerning contamination; qualification and blank testing; extraction methods; filtration methods; analytical methods; documentation and reporting; handling of components.
Duration: 8 hours
ISO standards: 4405-4406-4407, ISO 18413, ISO 11500, 16431; NAS 1638, SS2687. the G-Number. Lubricating fluids: mineral, synthetic, semi-synthetic; additives and their effects; storage and storage.
Duration: 8 hours
For information on costs and any further information, please contact us at 0429.781280.
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